STRAIGHT Box mit Adna: Die melancholische Songwriterin bringt im März ihr neues Album „Closure“ raus und bespielt am 4.3.2017 die STRAIGHT Box von 22-0 Uhr. Adna knackte bereits mit ihren Streams die 20 Millionen Grenze bei Spotify und wird oft mit Künstler*innen wie Bon Iver und Daughter verglichen. Adna schreibt ihre Songs gerne dann, wenn andere Menschen schlafen. Ein STRAIGHT Interview mit Adna über die Bedeutung von Dunkelheit und Nacht / Adna about Night and Darkness.
Can you still remember your first song that you wrote in the night?
Hard one to forget: “Corner of My Heart”. It’s my very first song, and I wrote it for a high school application at the Swedish music school Rytmus. Luckily I got in, and it was also my first release ever.
What makes it easier for you to compose during the night?
First it was the silence, like I needed that to be able to hear what I was feeling on the inside. Silence can really bring out new sounds. And I find dark surroundings inspiring and safe. There’s nothing to distract you and I often think of the darkness as a backdrop on which I’m painting with thoughts and tones.
If you do not write music, how do you enjoy the nights?
Cliché of an answer, but my friends are the best, really. So either I’m with them, or I fall asleep to TV series or makeup tutorials. That’s kind of it.
On the 4.3. we know how you spend the night: On our women’s party. Are you going to miss the men at your concert?
I think it’s great with events for women only, it’s important that women get that alone time to just enjoy each others company and learn from each other without the male presence. Though, when it comes to my music I don’t usually think in terms of gender. I’m grateful to anyone who’s kind and shows interest in the music. But of course I’m really excited about having a girls night only.
Do you like to be alone in the dark?
It depends on… If I’m in a good place, in myself, being alone in the dark can be like taking a deep breath. I can really, really enjoy it. But I struggle with anxiety from time to time, and then it’s rather the opposite effect.
How many hours of sleep do you need and what do you wear for sleeping?
As many as I can get. I’ve obviously preferred doing other things during the night for a couple of years now, which has led to me being able to fall asleep wherever and whenever. My favourite piece of clothing has always been pyjamas, so yeah, always pyjamas.

Adna / Foto: MarcusNyberg
In your press release of Closure is written, that you have found your inner darkness. Tell us, what does that mean for you?
It has given me a different kind of understanding towards things I’ve had to struggle with earlier. I’ve known about my inner darkness for a long time, and I somewhere believe we all have it, just that maybe some are more aware of it than others. And through Closure I found a way of dealing with it, which has made me feel less scared about it.
How do you determine your inner darkness?
Definitely wish I could do that. Haven’t found a way yet, though.
Are you attracted to other dark people or are you attracted to easypeasy People?
I love easypeasy people – so much positive energy and no doubt in anything. But yes, as soon as I meet someone who seems a little complicated I’m running after like a puppy.
What is more beautiful in the day than in the night?
The sun. The sun is the healer. There’s nothing like having a walk in the sun, really.
Adna veröffentlichte bislang die beiden Alben „Night“ und „Run, Lucifer“. Ihr drittes Album „Closure“ erscheint am 17. März 2017. STRAIGHT Musikredakteurin Alexandra Friedrich hat in das Album reingehört.