Weiblich, lesbisch, Brüssel!


Written by Felicia Mutterer

31. Oktober 2016

Frauen-, Kunst – und Stadtliebhaberinnen aufgepasst: Am Wochenende vom 18. bis 20. November 2016 ist Brüssel die Hauptstadt der Frauen und der queeren Kunst. Das Girls Heart Brussels steigt. 

Das feine Festival für Frauen lädt ein die weibliche Seite der belgischen Metropole zu erkunden. Ein besonderer Fokus liegt dabei auf lesbischer, queerer und feministischer (Lebens-)Kultur. In einer ehemaligen Kunstschule wird geschlafen – im heute topdesigneten- und gelegenen JAM Hotel – und das Programm ist vielfältig: Filmvorführungen, Perfomances, Erkundungstouren durch Brüssel sowie Party sind vorgesehen. Dabei gehören die Performance des Tanzduos Wu Tsang and Boychild und der Besuch des Pink Screen LGBT Film Festivals sicherlich zu den Highlights. 


Girls Heart Brussels invites you to explore Brussels from a female perspective, with a focus on its lesbian, queer and feminist practices. It is organised by an initiative from Visit Brussels and it is in the form of a weekend, and market it as a package deal with amazing, queer content. The next edition takes place during the weekend of Nov. 18 – 20, celebrating the Pink Screens LGBT Film Festival, featuring a performance by Wu Tsang and Boychild – one of today’s most exciting choreographer/dance duos. 

This is the 4th edition, and this time the organisers teamed up with JAM Hotel, a former art school turned hotel. It’s a really nice place, perfectly located, with a really nice rooftop pool and bar (incl. a view over the city).  

The Weekend offer

Girls Heart Brussels offer a deal including a 2 night stay at the fantastic JAM Hotel, a passepartout for Pink Screens, free entrance to the performance and the cherry on the cake: Pink Screens’ 15 Year Anniversary Party with an amazing line-up of the gayest and queerest DJs. 

Price for the weekend in Brussels: 150 EUR for a single room, 200 EUR for a double room at the JAM hotel (incl. a great breakfast buffet), a free welcome drink and finger food happening on Friday evening (for which I also invited international journalists, and cool girls from Brussels), 2 passepartouts for the Pink Screens festival, free entrance to the performance and 15 big celebration party on Saturday night. 

The link to book: http://ticketing.visit.brussels/en/multi/init/1502



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